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Trademark Attorney

Raymond Makko

To paraphrase Monty Python – “Everyone was terrified of Ray. I’ve see grown men pull their own heads off rather than see Ray.” It’s a fitting tribute to the persuasive powers of this elite litigator, whose smooth tones and snappy style are merely cover for his mastery of the dispute resolution game. With a particular love for corporate fights and making insolvency practitioners cry, Ray is most at home in a suit, in court, racking up a win.

While we would instinctively back Ray at a casino and be unsurprised if he knew the pit boss by first name, we also know several of his secrets. Having to be woken up personally by the managing partner at the firm retreat, because you were a little too tired and emotional from the night before to be woken by your alarm, might be seen as a career limiting move, but Ray took it in his stride and was promoted shortly afterwards – because what we see is the same as others do - a good guy with a charming sense of gentle self-deprecation, and a deadly serious legal brain.


Direct line:

+612 8216 3054


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